The Musical Heritage Review lives on!
That "catalog" you received in the mail 13 times a year - that was one of America's most popular classical music and jazz magazines!
The Musical Heritage Review began in the mid 1970s when member David M. Greene wrote to the Society complaining about the meager liner notes included with his LP releases. The Society wrote back and asked him if he would mind providing the Society members with greater insights on a regular basis.
And so The Musical Heritage Review was born - and now, reborn.
Every month we'll have a new issue of The Musical Heritage Review. Read the newest issue right now!
There are almost 400 back issues of The Musical Heritage Review - and we're committed to reviving the entire lot!
We've created pages on our site of the "Exploring Music" columns and other essays and reviews - even our old "Letters To The Editor" are being saved and restored on our site.
There are almost 400 back issues of The Musical Heritage Review - and we're committed to reviving the entire lot!
We've created pages on our site of the "Exploring Music" columns and other essays and reviews - even our old "Letters To The Editor" are being saved and restored on our site.